Mission and Vision
The mission of the Salinas City Elementary School District is to provide a comprehensive education with multiple opportunities for all students’ success.
To inspire and ensure students recognize their talents to excel, become empowered learners and make valuable contributions to a dynamic global community.
Board Priorities
Equitable Learning Conditions for All Students
The District will analyze data and strengthen services to address students’ learning loss; ensure connectivity for all students; mitigate the digital divide barriers; and strengthen the social, emotional, and mental health support and programs.
Maintain Fiscal Solvency
The District will develop and maintain a balanced budget with a prudent reserve, and build systems that ensure fiscal
health that preserves its resources in the years to come.
Strong Relationships as a Community
The District will engage all members of the SCESD community in stronger and more positive relationships, and develop opportunities for parents, guardians and families to have a seat at the table.
LCAP Goals
- Learning for all students;
- Safe, positive and well-maintained schools;
- Quality staff providing exceptional service;
- School, home and community partnerships.