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Salinas City Elementary School District

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The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a component of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Under LCFF, all Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to prepare an LCAP. The plan describes how districts intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, including specific activities to address state and local priorities. This comprehensive document is created through the collective input of the Salinas City Elementary School District community and is constructed around the District's vision and mission. It comprises four focus areas:

  1. Fostering inclusive academic excellence;
  2. Safe, positive and well-resourced schools;
  3. Cultivate quality staff to provide excellent service;
  4. Enhance belonging and strengthen home, school and community partnerships;

The LCAP is specifically designed to direct District funding priorities with significant engagement of stakeholders. Multiple opportunities are held annually to provide input, including stakeholder meetings, town hall forums, surveys and a public hearing. This document meets both the requirements of the state and the expectations of the District's stakeholders and includes specific accountability for the effectiveness of the adopted strategies.  The Salinas City Elementary School District thanks the community for its efforts and engagement in the development of this Local Control and Accountability Plan.

Below you will find the 2024-2025 LCAP, which was approved by the Board of Trustees at the June 18, 2024, public meeting . The document will be translated into Spanish and posted to this page as soon as the translation is complete.

2024-2025 LCAP

And below please find the LCFF Budget Overview for Parents.

LCFF Budget Overview for Parents

2024-2025 LCAP Goals