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Salinas City Elementary School District

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Mary Duan 

Director, Communication and Community Engagement


Phone Number:
(831) 784-2270

Welcome to the Salinas City Elementary School District Communications Page!

We want to extend a warm welcome to all parents, students, educators, classified staff and community members visiting our website. This platform serves as a central hub for communication with our community.

To File a Public Records Act Request

California Government Code Section 6253 specifies that every person has the right to inspect public records maintained by any state agency. Public records include all records relating to the public’s business that are classified as public records under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.).

Public records do not include any writings specifically exempted by the California Public Records Act, and any writings not specifically exempted by the California Public Records Act but as to which the public agency has determined that the public interest is served by not making the record public clearly outweighs the public interest by disclosure.

All written requests for public records of the Salinas City Elementary School District shall be directed to SCESD Public Information Office, 840 S Main Street, Salinas, California 93901.  Public records requests may also be emailed to

SCESD cannot guarantee that any request for public records not made by mail or email as set forth above will be received by the proper office to process such request.