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Salinas City Elementary School District

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School Climate and Culture

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PBIS, MTSS & Interventions collaborates with school, district, county, community organizations and stakeholders to advance supports and interventions for all students in the SCESD. Our staff provides training, technical assistance, monitoring, as well as, policy development by working collaboratively with district wide staff and the community at large.

PBIS, MTSS & Interventions facilitates the ongoing development and maintenance of Restorative Justice practices district wide.  We collaboratively build systems addressing behaviors, strengthening relationships, focusing on empathy, as well as, building social skills necessary for academic and life long success. We also train, develop, implement, and maintain Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports at the student, classroom, school-wide and district levels. 


Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

PBIS is training and support on a systemic implementation of a decision-making framework for positive social culture in a school or district. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a decision-making framework that guides selection, integration and implementation of the best evidence-based behavioral practices for improving important behavior outcomes for all students. PBIS is not a curriculum, intervention or practice, but instead is a collaboration between district and school staff in designing behavioral support systems at each tier of an MTSS System.


Restorative Justice Partners, Incorporated

Restorative Justice Partners, Inc. (RJP, Inc.) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. RJP, Inc. uses restorative justice principles to create alternative dispute resolution programs that foster empathy, accountability and restoration of fairness to victims and community in Monterey County.  Their trained volunteers work with businesses and youthful offenders, government and nonprofit agencies to resolve conflicts and restore justice. They extend this work by teaching these skills to educators and school children in an effort to end violence and bullying in our schools, and the “School-To-Prison-Pipeline.”


Playworks is a district-wide initiative that focusses on positive behavioral interactions between students and staff during recess time. Moreover, it believes in the power of play to bring out the best in every child. Playworks creates a place for every child on the playground. It doesn't matter if children have never learned or played games before. They ensure our children have a place that is safe and welcoming - where they can play, thrive and contribute. The primary goal of Playworks is that every child takes this positive experience back to the classroom and back to their communities.

For more information, please contact Ron Dillender at (831) 784-2234 or Becky Nelson at (831) 784-2260.