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Salinas City Elementary School District

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Professional Development & Meetings

As part of our commitment to support districts’ efforts to serve foster and homeless students, we have scheduled the following:

Regular Meetings

District Foster Student Liaison Meetings are held quarterly through MCOE. Contact SCESD's Foster Youth Liaison for the next meeting date and location information.

Professional Development

The Foster Youth Services offers professional development to schools/districts and partner agencies upon request. A sample of topics available are:

  • Educational Rights and Responsibilities

  • Removing Barriers to Education for Foster Students

  • Trauma Informed Practices

  • Trauma Informed Practices 2 – Tools and Strategies

  • Transitions to Higher Education

  • Qualifying for the Graduation Waiver

Training Videos

AB 167/216: Qualifying for the Graduation Waiver

Learn about the law that helps credit deficient students in foster care qualify for a graduation waiver. This waiver would allow certain students who meet specific criteria to graduate under California's minimum credit requirement of 130, which eliminates electives.

Trauma Informed Practices for School
AB 490: Educational Rights and Responsibilities

Learn about the educational rights of students in foster care, and what you can do to remove barriers to their educational success.

Transitions to Higher Education