Services and Support
Individual Case Management Services
Offered to Students, Caregivers, Social Workers, School Staff, Probation, CASA's
- School enrollment/transfer assistance
- Ensure AB490 rights are upheld
- Collaboration to ensure school stability
- AB 167 evaluation & partial credit assistance
- Educational planning & monitoring
- IEP/SST meeting attendance
- Referral to supplemental education services
- Referral to extracurricular and/or enrichment activities
- Liaison/DSS/School
Coordination of Supplemental Services
Agencies, community-based organizations, caseworkers
Collaborating & capacity building with community partners to provide supplemental education services
- Leadership & advocacy training for transition age youth
- Special Projects (i.e. college and career Exploration)
- Enrichment activities
- Attend an annual Foster Youth Education Summit to bring together partner agencies & staff
- Referrals to tutoring services
District LCAP Support Services
School and District Staff
Provide workshops/training's to school district staff
- Review LCAP for actions and services specific to children and youth in Foster Care
- Share best practices for supporting children and youth in Foster Care
- Meet regularly with District Foster Student Liaisons
- Provide legislative & policy updates
- Facilitate policy & cross-agency collaboration meetings
Data & Program Support
Schools/districts, Department of Social Services, Foster Support
- Notification of incoming outgoing foster youth
- Enrollment tracking
- CALPADS, foster youth identification and mobility
- Foster Focus/ CMS CWS
- Inter-agency collaboration with Department of Social Services and Juvenile Probation Department
- Data sharing, monitoring and clean up
- District updates
- Status verification (active & inactive)
- Creating/Providing Reports