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Salinas City Elementary School District

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Health Alert Information

If your student has a known medical condition or allergy, please contact your site health technician and they will provide you with the information and forms that are needed. They will send home a specified health alert packet, pertaining to your student's medical condition,  if applicable. Please have this information filled out by the parent/guardian and the medical provider. Once the information is filled out, please bring it to the school site as soon as possible to ensure we have all up-to-date information to help us better serve and support your child. 

If your student needs to take medication at school, please ensure the medication forms are filled out and the medication that will be at school has a pharmacy label on it with the medical providers orders/directions (Prescribed and over-the-counter medications).

Miscellaneous Health Parent Letter Allergy Packet  Asthma Packet Cardiac Packet Seizure Packet

Physical Health Information

The records of pupils (students) and the inclusion of health information requirements are specified in the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 432. The law allows for the health examination to be completed up to 18 months prior to entry into first grade or within 90 days thereafter. It has been found to be most effective to collect the health examination forms at kindergarten entry along with the required immunization records. For this reason schools are encouraged to include information about the health examination and the “Report of Health Examination for School Entry” (PM 171A) in the kindergarten registration packet. 

Physical Health Assessment Form Physical Health Letter Physical Waiver

Oral Health Information

Lack of access to dental care is a problem for many California children. Dental disease is one of the most common reasons for school absences, and makes it hard for children to concentrate and learn. The kindergarten dental checkup requirement, AB 1433, signed into law in 2006, helps schools identify children suffering from untreated dental disease and helps parents establish a dental home for their children.

Oral Health Assessment Parent Notification of Oral Health Assessment