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Salinas City Elementary School District

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Salinas City Virtual Academy

Welcome to the Salinas City Virtual Academy! We are excited to have you and your child join us on this new adventure, which combines online classroom learning with frequent in-person events, including our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) laboratory. We appreciate your interest and hope that our program fits your family needs. 

View our SCVA Website

To apply for SCVA, please read the information below and follow the steps.

If you are currently enrolled in a school within our District.

  1. Complete the SCVA Application
    • For the 2024/2025 school year, use this form.
    • For the 2025/2026 school year, use this form.
  2. Complete an Intradistrict Transfer Request Form
  3. Wait for notification from the District regarding your application. Once you apply, you will receive notification within 30 days,


If you are new to our District and live within our District’s boundaries.

  1. Complete the 4-step enrollment process for your home school
  2. Complete the SCVA Application
    • For the 2024/2025 school year, use this form.
    • For the 2025/2026 school year, use this form.
  3. Complete an Intra-District form

If you live in Monterey County but are outside our District boundaries and wish to enroll in SCVA.

  1. You will need to contact your home district and request an interdistrict transfer.
  2. Have the interdistrict form approved by your home district.
  3. Complete the SCVA Application
    • For the 2024/2025 school year, use this form.
    • For the 2025/2026 school year, use this form.
  4. Wait for notification from the district regarding your application.
  5. Once notified, enroll with SCESD through the Aeries Online Enrollment Portal.