DELAC - District English Learners Advisory Committee
DELAC is an important advisory committee of parents of English Language Learner (ELL) students from Salinas City Elementary School District schools. The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meets 7 - 10 times per year with district administrators and staff to learn about, discuss and provide input on topics related to English Learners, such as:
- Student achievement
- ELPAC testing and reclassification criteria
- District programs and services
- The importance of school attendance
- District's Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
- Parent education classes and involvement
- The annual parent survey and needs assessment
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend our DELAC meetings to learn about our programs and services to support our English Learners. Meeting flyers and agendas are posted prior to the meeting.
Meetings are from 6 - 8 pm in person once a month on a Wednesday.