Volunteers are required to maintain strict confidentiality concerning information they see and hear about students and staff, including students' grades, records and abilities.
Volunteers play a vital role in supporting students and staff by following school protocols, including not administering medication, conducting personal business or holding informal conferences. They focus on providing assistance while teachers handle student evaluations and formal communications with parents.
Volunteers contribute to a positive and respectful environment by engaging with students in a supportive and kind manner, avoiding any negative, aggressive or inappropriate behavior. They are encouraged to foster a safe and welcoming atmosphere for all students.
Volunteers respect student privacy and safety by refraining from taking or posting photographs or audio recordings, and by avoiding any physical contact that could be perceived as aggressive or inappropriate. They ensure that their presence on campus supports a secure learning environment.
Volunteers are committed to school safety and visibility. They sign in and out, wear a name tag, and actively supervise students during activities. They are familiar with the school's safety procedures and promptly report any incidents to staff, allowing trained professionals to manage emergencies.
Volunteers play a supportive role in the classroom by encouraging positive behavior and assisting with learning activities, always under the teacher's guidance and supervision. They focus on helping students while teachers handle discipline, planning and progress evaluation.
Volunteers contribute to a focused and effective learning environment by avoiding distractions, such as cell phone use, and ensuring their full attention is on the students they are assisting. This dedication helps maintain a productive classroom atmosphere.
Volunteers prioritize student safety and engagement by not bringing other children into the classroom during instructional time or field trips, allowing them to fully support the students they are there to assist.